So your
teenager wants to drive or is already driving...
now, all you could do was wonder how your child was driving
and hope everything was fine. Here is an unprecedented opportunity
to monitor your childs driving habits, encourage good
driving and correct your childs bad driving habits before
its too late.
about it....... when you were a teenager would you drive the
car the same way if you knew you were being monitored? Monitoring
your teenager may significantly reduce wear and tear on your
vehicle and may reduce the chance of your child being in an
dont cost what they use to and no amount of money can
prevent an accident that has already happened. AutoWatch is
an inexpensive form of insurance to protect your child and
you against many losses: loss of life, serious injury, property
damage, lost time from work, hospitalization costs, vehicle
repair costs. All of the unfortunate possibilities of an automobile
is an unprecedented opportunity for parents to monitor their
children's driving habits, encourage good driving and correct
the child's bad driving habits EVEN WHEN THE PARENT IS NOT
IN THE VEHICLE! Now parents can be "back seat drivers"
from their home or office.
You should
year alone car crashes killed over 6300 teen-agers, more than
AIDS, drugs, homicide or suicide. (Readers Digest, June 1998,
"Thrilled to Death")
a drivers license is one of the most triumphant events
in a teenagers life. Its also a day most parents
should dread, because teenagers are the most unsafe drivers
on the road, a threat to themselves and others. Sixteen and
17-year-olds represent only about 2 percent of all drivers,
but they are involved in nearly 11 percent of crashes. Traffic
accidents are the leading cause of death for teens....."
(Warren Cohen, U.S. News Online)
drivers ages 15 to 20 years old in 1994 were involved in 40%
of fatal crashes while speeding. (NHTSA)
chances for death or serious injury double every 10mph over
50mph that a vehicle travels. (NHTSA)
if you have ever wondered...
- Was
your child speeding when they had your car last night?
- Were
they driving too fast, racing, or overrevving the engine?
- Did
they go directly home after school or take an indirect
- Did
they really drive to their friends house and stay
there all evening?
- Did
they take the car when they were not supposed to? Perhaps
when you were at work or out of town.
If you
answered Yes to any of these questions, AutoWatch is for you.
Now you
can know the answers and have peace of mind.