a business owner/fleet, you have many responsibilities -
among them the safety of your employees and the bottom line.
With AutoWatch, you will know if employees are on the job
or parked at home while still on the clock, if they are
driving the company vehicle after hours, and if they are
speeding. Insurance costs are astronomical and any
automobile accident is sure to raise them even higher.
though you trust your employees, it is a fact that people
drive other cars differently than their own. Here is an
unprecedented opportunity to monitor your employee's daily
vehicle usage and driving habits from your office.
Make your employees responsible for the way they drive the
company vehicle. Get AutoWatch...Its there when youre
not. Now you can be a back seat driver from the comfort
of your home or office.
You should know...
vehicle crashes is the USA cost society an estimated $4,400
per second. Thats approximately $26,400 in the time
it took you to read the last sentence! (NHTSA)
1995, an estimated 115 people died each day in motor vehicle
crashes: thats one every 13 minutes! (NHTSA)