
Critics Are Raving!
This is a small selection of the
many articles published on FoneCam
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- Reviews

"Need to keep your eye on things in a place with no personnel
and no PC? The FoneCam… may be the answer: It's a combination
digital-color still-image camera and 14.4-Kbps modem. You can
set the FoneCam up anyplace that has a phone line and a power
supply. It captures images on demand or at scheduled times,
then transmits them to a computer. You can maintain dynamic
Web sites and monitor your office or home."
Bruce Brown,
PC Magazine, January 19, 1999

doesn't require a computer. It's a self-contained network device.
All it needs is connectivity. Plug FoneCam into a live telephone
line or an analog cell phone anywhere and you can send pictures
to any desktop browser in the world.
"The advantage of such a compact, self-contained internet device
is clear: FoneCam costs just $399 and doesn't require a computer."
Gus Venditto,
Internet World, November 9, 1998

to check the snowfall around the old ski shack? Using a telephone
line and power outlet, FoneCam remotely sends digital photos
to your computer at home. With a built-in 14.4-baud modem and
4 Mbytes of memory, the camera can fire off several photos a
minute, and it's a lot less troublesome to rig up than a traditional
webcam-PC combination. All you do is install Moonlight's software
on your home computer or server and -presto!- instant surveillance."
Magazine, January 1999
for business or leisure, there is no shortage of applications
for FoneCam. What seperates FoneCam from alternative products
is that it does not require a PC connected to the camera to
operate. Plugging in the camera simply entails plugging it into
a phone line… The CRN Test center at Comdex recommends the FoneCam
from Moonlight Products Inc."
David Hafke,
Computer Reseller News, October 5, 1998

into a standard telephone line, the FoneCam can send images
directly to a PC. The camera… is the first digital camera that
does not require the Images to be loaded onto a PC before they
are sent through cyberspace."
New York Times, October1, 1998

FoneCam is a digital camera with a built-in modem. Think of
it. You shoot digital images any-where, hook the camera up to
any phone line and transmit… You can receive pictures on any
PC with the control software installed, send pictures in e-mail
to others, set your PC up to receive images at scheduled times.
You can even dial into the remote camera to activate it."
Hawkins, Computer Link (The San Diego Union-Tribune),
September 29, 1998
should be aware that since the FoneCam information is transmitted
over a telephone line via modem, razor sharp images should not be
expected and there will be a small delay in receiving the entire image.
Fone Cam - How Fone Cam Works -
Software - Hardware
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