Prior to flying
on any operational space misssion, all instruments must pass through
a rigorous testing program. The Fisher Space Pen was tested for two
years before being accepted by NASA. It was ideal for this application
partly because of its ability
to write in the gravity-free vacuum of space at any angle.
It has been used
on the NASA's Apollo and Space Shuttle missions, the Russian Soyuz
and MIR space flights and the ARIANE French space program.

Recreational and
professional scuba divers appreciate the unique characterists of the
Fisher Space Pen. Of benefit to them is the fact that it will write
under water and on wet surfaces, is not affected by cold damp conditions
and can write on most smooth surfaces. These pens are used by the
Jacques Cousteau Society.

Mountain climbers
benefit from the Space Pen's rugged reliabilty and the capacity to
keep writing at any angle, any temperature and in any weather conditions
encountered during a climb. It
was used in the Everest North Face Ski Expedition in 1997. Mountain
climbers like the fact that it writes under water, is not affected
by cold damp conditions and can write on most smooth surfaces.

The Space Pen is
ideal for outdoor enthusiasts whether they be canoers, hikers, campers,
golfers, fishermen or snowmobilers because of its ability to keep
writing in the rain, on coated paper, plastic and in all weather conditions.

The military accepts
no less than the highest design specifications when specifying equipment
for use in the field. Equipment must be reliable under extreme conditions.
Space Pens are used by the US Navy Seals, US Armed Forces, US Thunderbird
Pilots and the Canadian Snowbirds 431AD Squadron.

Equipment used
by Law Enforcement Authorities must be able to function under all
operating conditions and in extreme weather. Only the highest quality
equipment is selected due the demanding requirements of the job. Space
Pens are used by the FBI, State Troopers, Provincial Police Forces,
Parking Authorities, Conservation Officers and the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police.

The equipment used
by search and rescue missions must remain operational under extreme
conditions. Paramedics, Helicopter Tactical Retrieval Units and Emergency
Room trauma staff are some of the users. Features liked by these personnel
include the ability to:
- Write through
and under water in extreme conditions
- Not be affected
by dirt, grease or cold weather and can write at any angle
- Record vital
signs on latex gloves without tearing the gloves

As part of their
daily routine, firefighters are exposed to dramatic shifts in temperature
and environmental conditions. With an operating range from -50
to 250 degrees F at any angle and through water, Space Pens are
the ideal choice for this application.

The Space Pen is
a natural choice for Carpenters, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Technicians, Auto Mechanics and others. The pens can write on wet
lumber and sheet metal duct work and since they can write on greasy
surfaces, they are great for recording information when working under
a vehicle.

What better writing
instrument to use for designing than one that has won awards for design.
The Fisher Space Pen is an example of modern art and engineering.
It is displayed at the New York Museum of Art and the Smithsonian.